Newbieville: Dragons and Cloaks

Hello again, friends! I'm back with another session summary of my "Welcome to Newbieville" D&D campaign. As a reminder, here's the cast of protagonists:

Belwarum — dragonborn sorcerer, hermit background
Tika — elf rogue, outlander background (absent due to illness)
Lady Elka — human monk, noble background
Sir Thorin — dwarf paladin, noble background (absent due to illness)

We left off last time with the group resting after having fruitlessly staked out the swamp hideout of the arsonists they'd defeated earlier. This week's session picked up with the following morning, which involved checking in on the bakers' reconstruction efforts and then taking a tour of the newly renovated wizard's tower. They also brought the foreman to the shrine they found previously and got an estimate of 2,000 gold pieces for restoration and remodeling.

Next, they headed to the municipal building. They were given a cash reward for their work in defense of the village, and offered a temporary job on behalf of the town as a sort of protection force. They accepted.

As the job didn't require them to be in town 100% of the time, they decided to make another exploratory venture to the swamp hideout, but their departure was delayed as a large, winged monster descended on the town and attacked. Thankfully it was spotted from a distance, giving the townsfolk time to seek shelter while the heroes fought. Neither of the present characters recognized it as a wyvern, but the magic anti-dragon shortsword they'd identified went into overdrive, so they knew it was at least in that family.

Once that was dealt with, they went back to their plan of returning to the swamp hole, which they again found undisturbed. This time, they decided to leave behind a note (purporting to be from the now-defeated occupants) claiming that the site had been compromised and that they had relocated to the dilapidated farmhouse in the woods west of town.

That evening, they spotted two heavily-armored strangers in the tavern, who identified themselves as bodyguards of Lord Davian and confirmed that he had just arrived in town with the intent to continue lordship talks with the mayor. The players didn't like them.

In the morning, Lady Elka (in her noble outfit, rather than her adventuring gear) and Belwarum headed to the municipal building and noted a carriage parked outside with two more armored guards. Inside the building, they asked to see the mayor and were brought into her meeting with Lord Davian for introductions.

The players were not keen on keeping up appearances and it didn't take long for them to level accusations of foul play at Davian. Mayor Serepta intervened to preserve decorum while also making it clear that she agreed with their suspicions and just wanted more evidence. She gave them a bit of a hint-wink-nudge about investigating where the dragon came from (you know, "in case there's a nest" or something), which prompted them to leave the meeting and head south.

In the hills just south of town, Bel and Elka found a trail of stinky arrows in the ground, leading backwards to a cart with an open cage, and the remains of a mechanism that had slowly dripped acid onto a lock, allowing for a time-delayed release of the cage's occupant. The rocky terrain prevented the tracking of the cart's origin, but they at least got that the trail pointed eastward (at least at first). Also, they conferred with the herbalist and determined that the stink on the arrows was a combination of musk and an irritant, effectively luring the wyvern to town while also making it angry.

After a break for lunch, the pair of heroes headed into the woods to see if anyone had followed up on their ruse regarding the farmhouse. Indeed, they found three cloaked figures whose response to seeing them was to immediately attack. After an improbably smooth fight, they took their newest prisoners back to town and turned them over to the mayor, explaining the situation and also asking if they could be alerted if another execution was going to happen. The mayor agreed, and the session wrapped up with another evening in the Smokey River Inn.

That's it for this week's game. Until next time, take care of each other, okay?


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