Newbieville: Dragons and Cloaks
Hello again, friends! I'm back with another session summary of my "Welcome to Newbieville" D&D campaign. As a reminder, here's the cast of protagonists: Belwarum — dragonborn sorcerer, hermit background Tika — elf rogue, outlander background (absent due to illness) Lady Elka — human monk, noble background Sir Thorin — dwarf paladin, noble background (absent due to illness) We left off last time with the group resting after having fruitlessly staked out the swamp hideout of the arsonists they'd defeated earlier. This week's session picked up with the following morning, which involved checking in on the bakers' reconstruction efforts and then taking a tour of the newly renovated wizard's tower. They also brought the foreman to the shrine they found previously and got an estimate of 2,000 gold pieces for restoration and remodeling. Next, they headed to the municipal building. They were given a cash reward for their work in defense of t...